Tuesday, July 17, 2012

CTP - Creative Teaching Press

Love me some CTP!!  This is the first year which I'm trying to coordinate my classroom all to match.  Still debating, because my background papers are already up!!  That means I would have to redo them.  {Sigh.}  I really function better when things in the classroom are aesthetically put together, coordinating, and organized.  Hence my "Mission Organization."  I love this coordinating set of classroom decor from CTP:

I love the different frames for labels, and those inspired me to make my own classroom helpers signs.  My plans for these are to print out and glue pencils/clip art with my future students' names onto clothespins, and then just move the clothespins around when they change jobs.  Here is a snapshot of my labels:

I'm a sucker for new classroom stuff, and it just so happens that I stumbled upon a giveaway on a fellow teacher's blog for class stuff!  WOO!  She's teamed up with CTP to giveaway a set of Sing Along & Read Along with Dr. Jean, which is a $56 value!  Hope I win!  Check out the giveaway here.


KindergartenKapers said...

P.S. I'm not going to have all those jobs...just wanted the options for the future!

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